Воскресенье, 22 сентября, 2024

11 ноября в России отметят День экономиста

По традиции, которая началась в 2016 году, в этот день пройдет Всероссийское экономическое собрание, организованное Вольным экономическим обществом России и Международным союзом экономистов, сообщает «Российская газета».

«На собрании ученые, эксперты, государственные и общественные деятели обсуждают экономические итоги года, исходя из уже имеющихся и только наметившихся трендов, представляют свое экспертное видение путей социально-экономического развития России», — отметил президент ВЭО России, президент Международного союза экономистов, член-корреспондент РАН Сергей Бодрунов.

В этом году собрание состоится в штаб-квартире организаторов — «Доме экономиста» на Тверской. К работе собрания в офлайн- и онлайн-режимах подключатся более пяти тысяч человек — специалисты, практики, ученые и эксперты, представители органов государственного управления, образовательного сообщества, деловых кругов, реального сектора экономики. Широкий охват обеспечат видеомосты с российскими регионами. Тема собрания: «Социализация экономики: приоритеты современного развития России».

Российская экономика показала большую устойчивость в условиях внешнеэкономического давления, растет объем жилищного строительства, сельское хозяйство. Об этом в том числе говорил президент России Владимир Путин в ходе своего выступления на пленарном заседании международного дискуссионного клуба «Валдай». Президент России также акцентировал внимание на том, что все национальные цели развития России связаны с социальными задачами, среди которых пока много нерешенных.

В научно-экспертной дискуссии, которая состоится в рамках собрания, примут участие академик РАН Абел Аганбегян, президент Вольного экономического общества России, президент Международного союза экономистов Сергей Бодрунов, заведующий лабораторией финансовых исследований Института экономической политики им. Е.Т. Гайдара Алексей Ведев, заместитель секретаря Общественной палаты Российской Федерации Александр Галушка, министр по интеграции и макроэкономике Евразийской экономической комиссии, академик РАН Сергей Глазьев, директор Института экономики РАН, член-корреспондент РАН Михаил Головнин, научный руководитель Института экономики РАН, член-корреспондент РАН Руслан Гринберг, президент ИМЭМО имени Е.М. Примакова РАН, академик РАН Александр Дынкин, главный экономист государственной корпорации развития ВЭБ.РФ Андрей Клепач, директор Института экономики и организации промышленного производства СО РАН, академик РАН Валерий Крюков, директор Института социологии ФНИСЦ РАН, академик РАН, член Президиума РАН Михаил Горшков, директор Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН, член-корреспондент РАН Александр Широв.

На собрании традиционно объявляются имена лауреатов общероссийских высших общественных экономических премий «Экономист года» и «Экономическая книга года».

Номинантами премии «Экономист года» в этом году стали председатель комитета по экономике и финансам администрации муниципального образования «Заларинский район» Иркутской области Ольга Галеева, директор Института экономики и организации промышленного производства СО Российской академии наук, академик РАН Валерий Крюков, коллектив Северо-Кавказского федерального университета (Лев Ушвицкий, Наталья Куницына, Екатерина Пучкова) и предприниматель Андрей Липатов. Имя лауреата станет известно 11 ноября.

В шорт-лист премии «Экономическая книга года» вошли 14 финалистов. Ими стали Станислав Прокофьев и коллектив авторов («Экосистема вузов: трансформация российской системы образования»), Анатолий Торкунов, Руслан Хасбулатов и коллектив авторов («Международный транспорт, международная транспортная политика и транспортная дипломатия»), Елена Панина («Эллада. Свет разума и культ военной силы»), Владимир Квинт и коллектив авторов («Стратегия Кузбасса»), Борис Порфирьев, Виктор Данилов-Данильян и коллектив авторов («Изменения климата и экономика России: тенденции, сценарии, прогнозы»), Валерий Макаров, Альберт Бахтизин и Джошуа Эпштейн («Агент-ориентированное моделирование для сложного мира»), Георгий Клейнер («Системная экономика: шаги развития»), Роман Голов и коллектив авторов («Управление энергосбережением на промышленном предприятии»), Вардан Багдасарян и архимандрит Сильвестр («Стратегия Александра Невского и цивилизационные трансформации 13 века»), Андрей Юрасов, Елена Курапова и Виталий Пушкарев («Экономика компромисса. К 100-летию НЭПа в России: сборник документов»), коллектив авторов ИНП РАН (цикл докладов ИНП РАН по анализу и прогнозу социально-экономического развития), Галина Семенова («Федеральные налоги и сборы»), Александр Галушка, Максим Окулов и Артур Ниязметов («Кристалл роста к русскому экономическому чуду») и Ирина Рахмеева («Региональная регуляторная среда: на распутье»).

История наград Вольного экономического общества России

С момента своего создания Высочайшим указом Екатерины Великой в 1765 году Вольное экономическое общества, тогда Императорское, ставило задачу поощрять технологические исследования в Российской империи. В те времена это были в основном передовые методы сельского хозяйства, но уже назрели промышленные, социальные, правовые и прочие изменения в стране, которые было важно проанализировать и поддержать.

Первые медали

Это не было записано в уставе ВЭО, но в начале своей работы организация придерживалась принципа: награждать только сторонних лиц, а не членов Общества. Если члены допускались к соисканию наград, то об этом особо указывали в условиях конкурса. Это было сформулировано следующим образом в предисловии к первой книге «Трудов», где пояснялись мотивы создания ВЭО и основы его работы: «Общество составлялось единственно из таких особ, которые совсем не имеют намерения ни к получению собственной корысти, ни к тщеславному показу своих способностей, но готовы и желают быть полезными Обществу». 

По этой причине, например, отказали барону Вольфу в награде за его «Наказ для сельского управителя», хотя он был признан лучшим после долгих дискуссий.

Первая большая золотая медаль Вольного экономического общества была вручена Екатерине II.

Уже спустя год после основания ИВЭО, в 1766 году, ряд членов выступил с предложением отлить медали для всех желающих за их счет. И хотя граф Воронцов был против, это все же сделали: сначала 10 серебряных медалей раскупили по 5 рублей 80 копеек, потом отлили еще 21. Такие платные медали не отвечали реальным потребностям членов отличиться ради Отечества, и в 1770 году устав был дополнен: «Для поощрения действительно трудящихся членов определяется из суммы Общества каждой, комитетом к печати удостоенной пьесе, не делая различия между собственным сочинением, хорошим опытом, экстрактом или переводом, но смотря единственно на пользу и важность материи, по одной большой серебряной медали. А лучшей работе из всех — большая золотая медаль».

В 1768 году золотая медаль в 20 червонцев была учреждена на деньги помещика Олешева за решение задачи «О вреде для населения женить молодых парней на устаревших девках». Не решена.

Тогда же появились небольшие золотые медали стоимостью 100 рублей (12 червонцев), которые выдавались раз в триместр за выдающуюся работу, также ежегодно присуждали от 10 до 12 серебряных медалей. При этом сочинители должны были подавать работы без подписей.

Виды наград и символика

В первое время четкого раздела на большие и обычные медали не было. Даже за принятые ответы на задачу Екатерины об отмене крепостного права раздали 12-червонцевые медали (большая была в 35 червонцев). 

Пришлось размеры медали утверждать отдельно. В 1770 году на ежегодном торжественном собрании учредили навсегда большую золотую медаль Общества в 35 червонных, a малую — в 15. Правда, на деле это постановление не всегда выполнялось (медали были размером и 12, и 15, а также 25, 35 и 50 червонцев).

За победы в конкурсах на решение задач Общества сначала выдавали золотые медали разной величины, а серебряные — за все одобренные сочинения, но с 1772 года серебряными стали награждать также лауреатов конкурсов, которые не имели общенационального значения. 

В первом эскизе медали на одной стороне был изображен грудной портрет императрицы с надписью: «Екатерина Вторая, матерь Отечества». На обороте — богиня изобилия Абунданция, сидящая под пальмовым деревом на хлебных снопах, которая держит в правой руке венок из колосьев, а в левой — жезл Меркурия. Вдали виден пахарь. Подпись: «За труды воздаяние». В первоначальном проекте, который разработал придворный библиотекарь Екатерины Иван Тауберт, перед богиней стоял щит с гербом ИВЭО.

Граф Олсуфьев передал повеление императрицы оставить только герб и рог изобилия, «дабы сия медаль тем была проще». На медали вырезалось имя награждаемого.

Изображения медали на аверсе и реверсе сохранились до нашего времени, надпись над портретом еще при Екатерине изменили на «Екатерина II, Императрица и Самодержица всероссийская». А после воссоздания ВЭО России и большой золотой медали надпись стала такой: «Екатерина II, основательница».

Когда в медалях внесли порядок, стало ясно, что пока порядок награждения не очень четкий. Так, например, серебряные медали выдавались за каждое сочинение, изобретение и т. п. отдельно, и один человек мог получить в год три медали, которые причем вручались на одном торжественном собрании. 

Некоторые кавалеры золотых медалей ИВЭО

  • 1768
    Коллежский советник Михайло Петров, Великий Устюг, — «за лучший кусок вытканного и выбеленного полотна в Новгородской губернии»
  • 1769
    Беарде де Лабей, Франция, — за ответ на задачу Екатерины II «Что полезнее для общества: чтоб крестьянин имел в собственности землю или только движимое имущество и сколь далеко его права на то или другое простираться должны?» Сделал вывод о необходимости отмены крепостного права
  • 1772
    Пастор из Нижней Померании Грасман получил золотую медаль за счет графа Романа Илларионовича Воронцова — «за указание легчайшего способа поправления и удобрения земель в Копорском уезде без сожжения кубышей»
  • 1787
    Золотой медалью в 25 червонцев награжден Карл Фридрих Борн, доктор медицины, профессор хирургии, за решение задачи: «Действительно ли наши новые наемные дома так вредны здравию, как чужестранцы утверждают о своих; когда же действительно вредны, то какая сему причина?»
  • 1793
    За решение задачи о лучших практиках земледелия в провинциях, лежащих близ Черного моря, награждены золотыми медалями, назначенными С. Г. Зоричем, В. Левшин и Х. Баумгертель
  • 1811
    За изобретение способа покрывать сальные свечи воском, чтобы они почти не отличались от полностью восковых, но были втрое дешевле, награжден корреспондент Общества Погодин
  • 1815
    За лучший способ приготовления из глины хорошей и дешевой поваренной посуды без муравления свинцом награжден доктор Бухольц из Петрозаводска
  • 1816
    За решение задачи осушения болота площадью не менее 5 десятин и посев хлеба на том месте награжден крестьянин Ярославской губернии Григорий Андреев
  • 1853
    За работы по описанию сельских рукоделий награждены барон Черкасов, священник пермской епархии А. Оглоблин, подпоручик корпуса инженеров путей сообщения Каргопольцев, государственный крестьянин A. Н. Зырянов, шуйский купеческий сынъ Ф. Г. Журов и многие другие
  • 1862
    Большая золотая медаль присуждена курляндскому адвокату Бредриху за сочинение «О земских банках»

Особая медаль другу степей

Летописец Императорского вольного экономического общества профессор-химик и редактор «Трудов» Иван Ходнев особенно отмечает такой случай. В 1803 году Общество присудило большую золотую медаль главному тайши (вождь обширной группы монгольских родов, второй человек после хана) хоринских родов братских надворному советнику Иринцееву — «за введение хлебодашества в дикой стране». Государь император Александр I повелел украсить эту медаль алмазами и носить ее Иринцееву на шее на голубой ленте. 

Правила награждения

В первые полвека работы ВЭО на торжественных собраниях ежегодно раздавались золотые и серебряные медали президенту, секретарям и другим должностным лицам, а также членам ИВЭО, которые часто посещали собрания. Затем это стали делать реже, но все равно без четкой системы: в середине XIX века золотые медали выдавались скорее ради почтения: в торжественном собрании секретарям и членам, за денежные пожертвования Обществу и за особые заслуги. 

В 1863 году члены ИВЭО составили правила, которые предусматривали голосование за лауреатов в отделениях и на Совете Общества. В отдельных случаях, например, для награждения победителей выставок, медали утверждали особые комиссии экспертов, утвержденные общим собранием.

Одновременно Общество прописало основания для присуждения наград ИВЭО: 

1) лицам, оказавшим своими практическими занятиями существенную пользу русскому сельскому хозяйству вообще или способствовавшим развитию отдельных частей его в разных местностях России; 

2) лицам, принесшим особенную пользу своими учеными трудами, как по русскому сельскому хозяйству и экономическому быту народа, так и по другим предметам занятий Общества (кроме ученых сочинений и исследований, могли награждаться разные замечательные открытия и усовершенствования по всем предметам, входящим в круг занятий Общества).

3) медали могли присуждаться также и членам Общества, способствовавшим его преуспеванию, своими более или менее продолжительными учеными трудами. 

Награждаемые по этим трем пунктам утверждались общим собранием на основании мнения соответствующих Отделений и Совета и в соответствии с назначаемой на этот предмет сметной суммой.

Тогда же было окончательно установлено, что присуждаются:

большая золотая медаль — в 20 червонцев,

малая золотая — в 10 червонцев, 

большая серебряная — в 10 рублей, 

малая серебряная — в 5 рублей.

Экономист года

Общероссийская высшая общественная экономическая премия «Экономист года» была учреждена ВЭО России и впервые вручена в 2017 году. Это главная награда для российского экономического сообщества, которая приурочена к профессиональному празднику — Дню экономиста, учрежденному правительством России в дату основания Вольного экономического общества России. Премия присуждается в номинациях: «За практический вклад в развитие экономики Российской Федерации»; «За вклад в экономическое образование и просвещение»; «За вклад в развитие экономической науки». 

((конец вреза))

Современные награды

Вольное экономическое общество России стало первой общественной организацией, награды которой зарегистрировал Геральдический совет при президенте РФ. Сейчас медалей две: Большая золотая медаль ВЭО России и Серебряная медаль. 14 октября 2005 года они были поставлены на Федеральный геральдический учет №№ 078 и 079 по образцам дореволюционных. 

Первыми в современной истории медалью ВЭО России были награждены 10 июня 2015 года президент Российской Федерации Владимир Путин и президент Республики Казахстан Нурсултан Назарбаев. Тогда же большие золотые медали получили действительные члены Сената ВЭО России Евгений Примаков и Максим Загорулько.

Таким образом, в новое время награждение медалями Общества стало по-настоящему исключительным, редким и выдающимся событием. 

Среди кавалеров Серебряной медали ВЭО России

2005 и 2010
Леонид Абалкин (05.05.1930 — 02.05.2011)

вице-президент ВЭО России, председатель Научно-практического совета ВЭО России, научный руководитель Института экономики Российской академии наук, академик РАН

Сергей Капица (14.02.1928 — 14.08.2012) 
действительный член Сената ВЭО России, почетный вице-президент Российской академии естественных наук, президент Евразийского физического общества, член Европейской академии наук, д. ф.-м. н., профессор 

Владимир Щербаков 
вице-президент ВЭО России, председатель совета директоров группы компаний «Автотор», академик РАЕН, д. э. н., профессор 

Виктор Ивантер (14.11.1935 — 15.09.2019)
действительный член Сената ВЭО России, директор Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН, академик РАН

Сергей Глазьев

вице-президент ВЭО России, член Коллегии (министр) по интеграции и макроэкономике Евразийской экономической комиссии, академик РАН

Руслан Гринберг
вице-президент ВЭО России, научный руководитель Института экономики РАН, член-корреспондент РАН

Михаил Эскиндаров 
вице-президент ВЭО России, президент, научный руководитель Финансового университета при правительстве РФ, академик Российской академии образования, заслуженный деятель науки РФ, д. э. н., профессор

Дмитрий Сорокин (01.01.1946 — 14.03.2021)
вице-президент ВЭО России, руководитель Научного совета ВЭО России, вице-президент Международного союза экономистов, научный руководитель ФГОБУ ВО «Финансовый университет при правительстве РФ», член-корреспондент РАН, д. э. н., профессор

Сергей Степашин 
председатель наблюдательного совета Фонда содействия реформированию жилищно-коммунального хозяйства, председатель Императорского православного палестинского общества, президент Российского книжного союза, д. ю. н., профессор 

Сергей Бодрунов

президент ВЭО России, президент Международного союза экономистов, директор Института нового индустриального развития имени С. Ю. Витте, член-корреспондент РАН, д. э. н., профессор 

Александр Дынкин
вице-президент ВЭО России, руководитель Международного комитета ВЭО России, вице-президент Международного союза экономистов, президент ИМЭМО имени Е. М. Примакова РАН, академик-секретарь Отделения глобальных проблем и международных отношений РАН, академик РАН

Валерий Макаров 
научный руководитель Центрального экономико-математического института РАН, директор Высшей школы государственного администрирования МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова, академик РАН

Автор: Константин Маркелов

Всероссийский экономический диктант — 2022

11 октября в шестой раз состоялся Всероссийский экономический диктант, организованный Вольным экономическим обществом России при участии Международного союза экономистов. Его написали в 88 регионах Российской Федерации и в семи странах — Белоруссии, Монголии, Армении, Узбекистане, Казахстане, Таджикистане и Турции. В общей сложности почти 240 000 человек.

История и география

География Всероссийского экономического диктанта и число его участников растут на протяжении шести лет. В акции этого года принимали участие все крупные региональные центры страны, а также малые города, села, деревни, станицы и поселки. Например, поселок Маревый Амурской области, деревня Ляльшур Удмуртской Республики, село Большие Липяги Белгородской области.
«В некоторых из них Экономический диктант написали всего один-два школьника. Это не менее ценно для нас. Нам важно дойти до каждого — и до этих двух ребят в отдаленном селе, потому что эти ребята и их село — часть экономики нашей страны», — отметил президент ВЭО России, президент Международного союза экономистов Сергей Бодрунов, выступая на пресс-конференции в ТАСС.

Экономический диктант проходит при поддержке администраций субъектов РФ, Финансового университета при правительстве РФ, Московского авиационного института и других ведущих вузов России, институтов Российской академии наук. Партнеры акции — Фонд развития наследия Юрия Лужкова и Российское историческое общество.

Откуда появилось выражение «деньги не пахнут», какие банкноты называли «Катенька» во времена правления императрицы Екатерины II, чем зарабатывала на жизнь Алена Ивановна из романа Достоевского «Преступление и наказание» и что показывают индексы Джини, Лернера, Баласса и Пааше? Задания Экономического диктанта были связаны не только с экономикой, но и с обществознанием, литературой, историей, правоведением. 

Вопросы на миллион

Обращаясь к студентам, которые пришли проверить свою экономическую грамотность на площадке Финансового университета, президент Финансового университета, вице-президент ВЭО России Михаил Эскиндаров обратил их внимание на то, что вопросы в этом году непростые, и призвал молодых людей подумать, не торопиться отвечать сразу.

Студент Финансового университета Александр Лунев согласился, что задания Экономического диктанта — 2022 требовали больше времени для размышления, чем в прошлые годы: чтобы ответить на них, нужны были базовые знания в области экономики. А студент Финансового университета Неймат Халилов, который не первый год пишет Экономический диктант, добавил, что задания с каждой акцией становятся все более «углубленными».

«Мне не хватало Дмитрия Диброва с подсказками, очень хотелось позвонить другу. Сейчас мне самой интересно посмотреть ответы на многие вопросы», — призналась участница акции, резидент омского ИТ-парка Анна Митрохина.

Результат, то есть количество набранных участниками баллов по итогам акции, не так важен, как новые знания, полагают организаторы акции. Задача — не выставить оценку. Главная цель экономического диктанта — просветительская: вызвать интерес к экономической науке, истории российской социально-экономической мысли.

Экономическое самообразование

«Задания экономического диктанта заставляют задуматься, насколько хорошо вы владеете базовыми понятиями экономической теории, азами финансовой грамотности, знакомы ли с основами финансовой безопасности, историей экономической мысли, знаковыми экономическими реформами, которые проводились в России в разное время, как глубоко погружены в актуальную экономическую повестку», — отмечает президент ВЭО России Сергей Бодрунов.

«Участие в акции — это мощный стимул к самообразованию», — соглашается первый заместитель председателя Комитета Государственной думы по науке и высшему образованию, член президиума ВЭО России Олег Смолин.

Студент Финансового университета Богдан Сидяченко рассказал, что впервые услышал о существовании парадоксов Триффина, Гиффена, Джевонса и Веблена из заданий Экономического диктанта. А студент МАИ Артем Шакин признался, что до участия в акции не знал, что между героем Отечественной войны 1812 года атаманом Матвеем Платовым и известным французским экономистом Тома Пикетти может быть что-то общее.

Кстати, вопрос про атамана Матвея Платова и экономиста Тома Пикетти придумала Анастасия Волкова, студентка Саратовского государственного университета им. Чернышевского. Именно она стала одной из победительниц конкурса на лучший вопрос для Экономического диктанта в этом году. В этом году на конкурс поступило более 300 вопросов из России и стран ближнего зарубежья.

Вести с площадок

Экономический диктант по традиции пишут не только школьники и студенты, но и преподаватели, учителя, профессора, представители органов государственной власти, делового сообщества. Так, в омском центре «Мой бизнес» в этом году свою экономическую грамотность проверили предприниматели, резиденты ИТ-парка и сотрудники Омского регионального фонда поддержки и развития малого предпринимательства, а в Екатеринбурге — члены Свердловского областного союза промышленников и предпринимателей.

Почему тысячи людей ежегодно участвуют в акции? Экономический диктант — это не только проверка своих знаний, но и возможность узнать что-то новое, уверен президент Финансового университета, вице-президент ВЭО России Михаил Эскиндаров. Многие ищут мотивацию «подтянуть» свои знания по экономике. По признанию молодых людей, после акций прошлых лет они «прониклись» экономикой, и с тех пор пишут Экономический диктант ежегодно.

Студентка пермского филиала РЭУ им. Плеханова Татьяна Опич участвовала в акции в третий раз, потому что ей интересны задания. «Они позволяют определить общий уровень эрудиции в области экономических знаний и найти для себя новые направления для углубленного изучения», — поделилась впечатлениями Татьяна Опич. А по мнению студента ташкентского филиала РЭУ им. Плеханова Нурмухаммада Самебоева, который также пишет Экономический диктант не первый год, акция расширяет кругозор и повышает профессиональную мотивацию будущих экономистов.
«Вопросы действительно были интересными. После прохождения теста поймал себя на мысли: необходимо подтянуть экономическую историю, с которой возникли затруднения. В первую очередь хочется начать изучать исторические факты, связанные с экономикой, и международные организации, названия которых видишь в прессе каждый день», — рассказал студент Финансового университета Неймат Халилов.

В этом году участникам Экономического диктанта предлагали ответить, какие из перечисленных государств не входят в состав Евразийского экономического союза.
«Возникло желание погрузиться в междисциплинарное исследование экономической науки и изучать ее через разные отрасли знания. Например, действительно, интересно наблюдать за развитием экономики мира в период Отечественной войны 1812 года», — отметил студент Финансового университета Александр Лунев.

Дело государственной важности

Экономический диктант, организованный Вольным экономическим обществом России при участии Международного союза экономистов, — это тот образовательный и просветительский инструмент, который позволит все большему количеству россиян включиться в решение вопросов социально-экономического развития тех регионов, где они проживают, убежден первый заместитель председателя Комитета по бюджету и финансовым рынкам Совета федерации, вице-президент ВЭО России Сергей Рябухин.
Выступая на пресс-конференции в ТАСС, посвященной Экономическому диктанту, сенатор отметил, что с каждым годом получает все большее распространение в России так называемая практика инициативного бюджетирования. Оно предполагает участие населения в определении и выборе проектов, финансируемых за счет расходов бюджета, и последующий контроль за их реализацией. Экономическая грамотность в вопросах формирования и исполнения бюджетов, по мнению сенатора, очень важна для вовлечения граждан в бюджетный процесс.

По итогам Экономического диктанта ежегодно проводится многокритериальный статистический анализ, формируются статистический и аналитический отчеты, которые оценивают уровень экономической активности и экономической грамотности населения по отдельным субъектам Российской Федерации. Российские регионы следят за своим местом в рейтинге и не собираются сдавать позиции. Так, если в 2020 году Ульяновская область занимала в рейтинге экономической активности населения России 22-ю строчку, то в 2021 году регион вышел в лидеры рейтинга, оказавшись на первой строчке.

«В этом году в планах побить прошлый рекорд и снова выйти на первую позицию среди регионов России», — заявил директор департамента воспитания и социализации детей Министерства просвещения и воспитания Ульяновской области Сергей Васин.

Итоги Экономического диктанта, самые экономически активные и грамотные регионы этого года станут известны после публикации аналитического отчета.

Автор: Ольга Савина

Алексей Портанский: обострение вокруг Тайваня связано с микрочипами

Ведущий научный сотрудник ИМЭМО им. Е.М. Примакова РАН Алексей Портанский в своей статье дает анализ «войны чипов»,  которая в последние месяцы развернулась между США и Китаем. Президент Джо Байден 9 августа 2022 года подписал закон, подразумевающий огромные государственные вливания в НИОКР — так называемый Закон о чипах (CHIPS and Science Act). Из общей суммы в $280 млрд 52,7 млрд будут выделены в качестве грантов и налоговых льгот для развития производственной инфраструктуры полупроводников на территории Соединенных Штатов.

Чтобы получить финансирование, компания-претендент должна подписать особое соглашение с Министерством торговли США, которое не позволит этой компании участвовать в любой «значимой сделке», благоприятствующей «существенному расширению производства полупроводников» в закрытом перечне стран, а именно в Китае, России, Северной Корее и Иране, отмечает Алексей Портанский.

При этом, по признанию министра торговли США Джины Раймондо, 90% чипов, используемых США для высокопроизводительных вычислений и в военной сфере, сделаны на Тайване компанией TSMC. Только эта компания производит микросхемы нового поколения с параметром менее 10 нанометров, а американские производители полупроводников, в частности, Qualcomm и Nvidia, просто делегируют TSMC изготовление микросхем.

Российские и китайские экономисты учредили экспертно-деловой совет

По мнению научного сотрудника ИМЭМО РАН, во многом именно поэтому для Вашингтона совершенно неприемлема потеря Тайваня. И как раз для того, чтобы пообещать деньги TSMC от американского правительства туда со скандальным визитом ездила Нэнси Пелоси.

Дошло до того, что руководство Тайваня в случае попытки Китая присоединить остров, по некоторым данным, намерено взорвать предприятие.

В целом США хотят нанести серьезный урон отрасли суперкомпьютеров в Китае из-за прекращения поставок чипов, изготовленных по американским технологиям.

«Получение аналогичных чипов из других стран не гарантировано в силу опасения последних подвергнуться вторичным санкциям. В то же время Китай до последнего времени оставался важнейшим рынком для крупных американских поставщиков полупроводникового оборудования. И теперь они могут лишиться почти 40% своей выручки, если США полностью запретят им продавать продукцию в Китай», — отмечает автор статьи.

Что касается России, то, как отметил в своем выступлении на IV Московском академическом экономическом форуме в мае 2022 года бывший президент РАН Александр Сергеев, отставание российского производства микрочипов от мирового уровня на сегодняшний день составляет семь поколений. Практически все отечественные производители микросхем были до недавнего времени зависимы от поставок с Тайваня, но в феврале 2022 года компания TSMC приостановила выполнение российских заказов.

How to Achieve Technological Sovereignty

The government must develop and approve the concept of technological development for the period up to 2030 until December 15, 2022. The concept should include, among other things, the goals of technological development and mechanisms for achieving them. Can Russia achieve technological sovereignty? And when?

Based on the materials of the program «Dom E», Public Television of Russia, September 23, 2022


Alexander Alexandrovich Chulok,
Director of the Center for Scientific and Technological Forecasting, Institute for
Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Sergei Dmitrievich Bodrunov,
President of the VEO of Russia, President of the International Union of Economists, Director of the S. Yu. Witte Institute for New Industrial Development, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics, professor

Bodrunov: Many scientists, including myself, believe that scientific and technological progress is at the core of social and civilizational development. At all times, progress has given man the opportunity to satisfy his needs, which are constantly growing. Obviously, if we are talking about socio-economic development, we must think about how it is ensured by scientific and technological development. This process is going on in the world today at a very fast pace. 

Technologically advanced countries have more economic advantages, their population lives better. Accordingly, the socio-economic development of Russia should be based primarily on technological development. The President of the country said the following on this occasion: «The main thing for the country is to maintain technological sovereignty. Only sovereign countries can count on a sovereign future.» Technological development and technological sovereignty are different concepts, it is not always possible to put an equal sign between them. What, in your opinion, are the criteria for technological sovereignty?

Chulok: There are no canonical definitions of technological sovereignty. Everyone gives their own. To summarize them, the main point is that the country should provide itself with important products, services and be independent from others. There are many nuances. What products and services? In what areas? During what period? 

I would single out three components which are a cornerstone of technological sovereignty. The first is technological modernization should ensure the solution of the current tasks of socio-economic development related to security. These tasks are obvious. For agriculture, this is, for example, the absence of domestic seeds or amino acids, including lysine. For pharmaceuticals — shortage of raw materials. For aviation and mechanical engineering — dependence on imported components. The professional community is well aware of the bottlenecks that need to be “closed” here and now. The second component is that we need some kind of parity, because technological sovereignty does not mean isolation. Who will be our partner, how we will change “guns for oil” is the second question. The main thing is that we need a negotiating position with other countries. The third pillar is that technological sovereignty should contribute to future competitiveness. And here we have failed, because we started the discussion about the future only a few years ago. 

What is the shape of the future? What are the global trends? Together with you we supported this discussion as best we could. But while we were talking about 2030, developed countries ran away in their reasoning until 2045—2050, and this is not because they are dreamers and have their heads in the clouds, but because the speed increased. Thanks to the same digital twins, crash tests in the automotive industry are no longer completed in six months, but in a few weeks. This means that while we are discussing 2030, we are not discussing the future, at best, the present. Therefore, the horizons must be extended.

Bodrunov: It is obvious that, among other things, the priorities of technological development should be determined by areas where we are still lagging behind. Where should the focus of attention be directed?

Chulok: The drama of the current period is that if in the last century it was possible to bet on one or two key technologies and get technological sovereignty, or at least technological parity, now we need to talk about technology packages. Individual technologies are of no interest to anyone. Everyone is interested in packages, starting with training and relevant competencies and ending with recycling, processing and disposal, which should not be forgotten. 

Therefore, speaking about the priorities of the development of science and technology, it is necessary to highlight several principles. First, we need to define the landscape of the future to which we can or want to come. This is how the European Commission acted within the framework of the Seventh Framework Programme. They once distributed 84 billion euros on the basis of foresight, that is, long-term forecasts, an understanding of what future they want to come to. As an expert on large projects in companies or various initiatives, I often ask a simple question: “Imagine that tomorrow all your projects are implemented. What future will we get?” I have never seen such fear in people’s eyes when they try to figure that out. First, no one assumes that everything is implemented to the end. Second, there is no general picture. And the forecast for the scientific and technological development of Russia until 2030 was approved in 2014, and it needs to be updated, because the world has moved forward, trends have changed.

Bodrunov: Of course, it is necessary to correct the forecasts with a certain frequency.

Chulok: Next, based on the vision of the future, we need to choose what technologies we invest in. What technologies do we need for the agro-industrial complex? Maybe we need to develop neural networks? Maybe the key now is unmanned agricultural machinery? What fundamental technologies are needed for pharmaceuticals? What new materials will significantly reduce energy consumption? This is the way of development stated by market demand. And we also can move forward from technology, when we look at the landscape of technological development and determine where are those young shoots that can significantly change the technical and economic indicators? Like graphene, for example, which can fundamentally change its strength characteristics, material consumption. Combining market demands and the approach from science and technology will make it possible to come to an understanding of where to move in terms of technological sovereignty? But the first step is, of course, to outline the picture of the future, and taking into account what we are seeing now, it should be a scenario. These scenarios don’t have to be good, bad, and targeted. The bad will never be approved, the good will never come true. We have only one scenario: the target one. This is the rationale for one point of view. 

We just completed a survey of companies just a few weeks ago. We asked: “Is the innovative degradation of Russia a challenge for you?” About 70% of Russian companies said that this is a big problem. More than 75% of companies believe that the popularization of science, knowledge, technological development is a window of opportunity. That is, the companies are ready. But if you look at the statistics, the level of innovative activity of organizations is extremely low: 10.8%.

Bodrunov: It seems strange, doesn’t it? On the one hand, everyone understands. On the other hand, no one does.

Chulok: What’s the reason? We recently analyzed the barriers to innovative development of companies. In the first place, as usual, is funding. No money, too risky. What do you want? Innovation is inherently risky. But if you dig deeper, those who are engaged in innovation are faced with the problems of a lack of qualified personnel, with issues related to the protection of intellectual property rights, with commercialization.

Bodrunov: We need to think not only about technological development, but also about removing these barriers. Then ideas on technological priorities will be in demand. It seems to me that this is a global macroeconomic and ideological task for today.

Chulok: A political task. Do you know how these barriers are removed? If you gather business, science, the state in one audience, and everyone starts talking about their problems, then nothing will change. We need to talk about the future. That is, when we do foresight sessions and immerse stakeholders, as we call them, into the contours of the future. We tell them about global challenges and opportunities. The future reconciles. People understand that their counterparts are not blood enemies. We’ve been hearing blames like “You, business, don’t want to finance science” or “You, science, do not want to turn towards business” for twenty years. They understand that they should be partners and can interact with each other. But it is important that the conversation should be substantive. Therefore, we are discussing something on technology packages. For example, here are 30 technology packages. On which of them are you ready to cooperate today? For what tomorrow? Where is government assistance needed? This is a completely different conversation. It is specific and dedicated to the future. I can tell you that now the most demanded specialty, including for ensuring technological sovereignty, is a manager in the field of science and technology. We have a master’s program at the Higher School of Economics. And the competition is huge. Our graduates are bought up from the first year of the master’s program.

Bodrunov: It’s good that you opened such a direction. Maybe there are some other things that could combine science and production?

Chulok: I think it’s important to change the way we are accustomed to think. One of the key professions of the future is a translator from Russian bureaucratic into Russian scientific. From Russian scientific to Russian business, from Russian business to Russian expert. There are very few such translators. When we do foresights, we actually act as “bridges” or “translators” between different communities. We are forced to do this. 

For example, our forecast for the scientific and technological development of Russia identified products and key features that will determine their competitiveness in the future. This is a bridge to marketers, because through the properties of products you can create demand, and a bridge to technology specialists, because it depends on technology whether your sensor will be biocompatible, non-volatile or not. It seems to me that universities can play the role of knowledge reactors here. Moreover, there are many forms of support like the program Priority-2030, which includes leading Russian universities or RECs (scientific and educational centers). I mean, there are formats, and there is good funding.

Bodrunov: We need to give a methodological basis.

Chulok: Exactly! It is necessary to set a methodological basis, I hope that we will act here as a kind of navigator.

Bodrunov: Speaking of technological sovereignty, the problem of import substitution arises. We have set this task for a long time. And it seems that we are engaged in solving it, but I won’t say that everything is up there now, but nevertheless it seems to me that the problem is not about companies not wanting to engage in import substitution, but that until recently it was easier to buy something abroad than to develop your own. On the other hand, it is not clear what to import? How to solve the problem of import substitution in terms of the need to achieve technological sovereignty?

Chulok: I would focus on the research system. With regard to technological sovereignty and import substitution, we need a regularly operating information base about what we have. It is necessary to identify chains production chains, supply chains, value chains. This is not Newton’s binomial.

Bodrunov: For that matter, the economic efficiency of these chains.

Chulok: Once we identified those chains, understood their effectiveness, we can ask the question: is it better to replace the entire axis with imports or find new partners and cooperation? The first thing I would start with is the scientific base. It should act regularly, and not the way when it releases an analytical report, posts it, and that’s it. The second is an understanding of what expertises do we have. That means a deep inventory, including based on the analysis of big data. Understanding which competences we could assume, which ones we could pull out as part of the exchange. This is also a scientific problem, and it can be solved. There are, for example, our close partners in the Eurasian Economic Union, so why not improve relations with them? There is BRICS, which, it seems to me, is underestimated. Then African countries. Why not think about where we could make partnership? But for that we need research, systematic and scientifically substantiated one.

Bodrunov: As my colleague Sergei Yurievich Glazyev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, says, we need “reasonable” technological sovereignty. It seems to me that we should think about how to build relations with our partners in the EAEU, the SCO, and other structures that today demonstrate the desire to build a multipolar world, not only politically, but also economically. And the economy relies, as we said, on technological development. I am sure that we can build the sovereign future that the President of Russia is talking about, using many of the tools that were discussed today.

Chulok: And relying on people who will implement it.

Transformations in Russia: from Peter the Great to Pyotr Stolypin

This year marks anniversaries of two outstanding Russian statesmen Peter the Great and Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin who were born 350 years and 160 years ago respectively. Many of the tasks which Pyotr Stolypin and Peter I faced in those times are still relevant nowadays. This is both the modernization of the economy and the growth of the welfare of the population. What lessons can be learned from their reforms today?

Based on the materials of the round table «Transformations in Russia: from Peter the Great to Pyotr Stolypin» (April 14, 2022). Organizers: Russian Historical Society and Free Economic Society of Russia. The event took place as part of the IV Moscow Academic Economic Forum.


Sergei Evgenievich Naryshkin,
Chairman of the Russian Historical Society, Chairman of the Board of the History of the Fatherland Foundation

Yuri Alexandrovich Petrov,
Director of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Valentin Valentinovich Shelokhaev,
Chief Researcher, Head of the Center “History of Russia in the 19th — early 20th centuries” of the Institute of Russian History of RAS

Alexey Lvovich Rakhmanov,
General Director of the United Shipbuilding Corporation

Andrei Klepach,
Chief Economist at VEB.RF, Member of the Board of the VEO of Russia

Valery Anatolievich Kryukov,
Director of the Institute of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Kirill Andreevich Solovyov,
Chief Researcher at the Institute of Russian History of RAS, Professor

Konstantin Mogilevsky,
Chairman of the Board of the Russian Historical Society, Executive Director of the History of the Fatherland Foundation

Alexander Dmitrievich Nekipelov,
Director of Moscow School of Economics of Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice-President of the VEO of Russia

Naryshkin: Today marks the 160th anniversary of the birth of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, and in less than two months we will celebrate the 350th anniversary of Peter the Great. The fates of these great reformers seem to echo each other, despite the fact that each of them belonged to his era, played the historical role assigned to him. The first emperor, Peter the Great, and “the last knight of the monarchy,” as Stolypin’s contemporaries called him, were united by sincere faith in his people, patriotism, and a willingness to take responsibility for tough and often unpopular decisions. Both of them thought in truly historical horizons, clearly realizing the fact that both anarchy and the inability to keep up with the times are harmful for Russia.

Over the centuries, historians have assessed the significance of Peter’s reforms in different ways. Some praised his outstanding achievements, others noted the other side of this medal. Peter the Great unwittingly had to split Russia, as the philosopher Georgy Fedotov wrote about this, “into two societies, two peoples that ceased to understand each other.” The division into a Europeanized minority and a traditional majority became a birth trauma of the Russian Empire, later becoming the cause of its collapse. However, do we or anyone else have the right to make claims against Peter? In the face of the challenges of his time, he did what he had to do: he saved Russia. The responsibility lies more with his heirs who did not see or could not recognize the growing threat and did not take the liberty of decisively intervening in the course of history.

We can recall the experience of the great reforms of Alexander II. Their halfness entailed an increase in social contradictions in the countryside. It is no coincidence that the agrarian reform became the axis of Stolypin’s policy. It was not only about solving the land issue, but, in fact, about the fundamental reorganization of society, about the formation of a full-fledged middle class for the first time in Russian history. Setting such an ambitious task, Pyotr Stolypin could not but realize that the measures he proposed would have a delayed effect. He talked about two decades that would allow Russia to be transformed, even though the intermediate results achieved in his time were inspiring. In just five years, the country’s population grew by 13 million people; at the same time, per capita consumption of wheat also increased by 1.5 times. Our country was decisively leading in terms of economic growth. The French economist Edmond Teri, who came to St. Petersburg specifically to study the experience of the Stolypin government, did not rule out that, following the same course, Russia would achieve complete dominance in Europe in half a century.

Stolypin’s resettlement policy also left a huge imprint. Thanks to thoughtful measures of support from the government, more than three million people voluntarily moved to Siberia and the Far East. For the first time, the systematic development of these most important supporting territories for Russia began. It would be fair to admit that the famous Siberian divisions, which heroically defended Moscow in December 1941, were formed by the children and grandchildren of Stolypin settlers.

In a letter addressed to Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, Pyotr Stolypin wrote: “I was carried upstairs by a wave of events; probably for a moment. I still want to use this moment to the best of my ability for the benefit of people and my Motherland, which I love, as they loved it in the old days”. These beautiful words are worthy to serve as a motto for all statesmen of our country.

Russia had always been the highest value both for Peter the Great and for Pyotr Stolypin,. They were ready to lay down their lives for her. That is why, even centuries later, our people keep a grateful memory of these great reformers.

Today’s anniversary, as well as the upcoming anniversary of Peter the Great, provide a good opportunity to discuss these large-scale figures again, turn to their reformist experience, and learn lessons that are relevant and in demand today. I am sure that in these days, when our country is again waging a hard struggle for the historical future, such a conversation will be both useful and important.

Dear friends, there is a monument to Stolypin in Moscow near the Government House. It was installed ten years ago at the suggestion of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The words of Pyotr Arkadyevich are engraved on the monument: “In the matter of defending Russia, we must all unite, coordinate our efforts, our duties and our rights in order to maintain one historical supreme right of Russia: to be strong.” Russia makes good use of this right. Today Russia is a strong, independent, sovereign state, and it will be even stronger.

Petrov: The anniversary of two great reformers, which we are celebrating this year, suggests that the fate of a reformer in Russia can be tragic. Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin is a man who has long been accompanied by a dichotomy in the public consciousness of our country. On the one hand, this is the “hero of the empire”, on the other hand, this is the “Hangman Stolypin”. Pyotr Arkadyevich is an example of a tragic reformer in the country. And the point is not even that he was assassinated without seeing the first results of his transformations, but that his reforms, aimed at strengthening, at modernizing Russia, caused a huge reaction in society, which were not always positive.

From the height of our time, the scale of the personality of Pyotr Stolypin becomes obvious. There have been many good studies and publications.

Thanks to our common efforts, we have a clear idea that Pyotr Stolypin’s contribution to Russia is not only the agrarian reform, but also the fact that he created a whole program for the development and modernization of the country. Following this program, Russia could enter a round of healthy economic growth, an evolutionary type of development that would make it possible to avoid new revolutionary upheavals in the country. But the tragedy of Pyotr Stolypin was that he had to carry out his transformations in the extreme conditions, in the era of great upheavals, as he himself called events of the beginning of the 20th century. Those upheavals prevented him from completing his outstanding transformations, which would have brought enormous benefits to Russia. Nevertheless, this man deserves both a monument, an encyclopedia, and our grateful memory, and, of course, further research. I think we will witness interesting scientific discoveries in the near future.

Shelokhaev: By the end of the 19th century, the potential for reforms of Alexander II had exhausted itself. The empire was slipping into a crisis, and the first Russian revolution was the consequence of that crisis. The government faced an important task: to fundamentally change the political course. A person was needed who was able to solve these problems. Such a person was Pyotr Arkadevich Stolypin. He managed to create a program from a variety of ministerial, departmental projects and determined the goal to create a great Russia.

If we imagine the historical process at the beginning of the 20th century as a train, which consisted of cars with representatives of various social strata, nationalities, confessions, then Stolypin acted as its driver. Before him, reforms in Russia were purely structural and eventually led to crises. The systemic reform created by Stolypin allowed, as they say, Russia to move forward.

It is clear that the name of Stolypin, starting from 1905-1906, was at the center of public discourse. Different opinions, different points of view. Only in the 1990s, thanks to the Stolypin Legacy Research Foundation, did we begin a systematic study of his reforms. Currently, 15 major studies (documentary, monographic and article) have been created, which made it possible to objectively present the role of Stolypin in the history of Russia.

Rakhmanov: The parallels that we draw today between the two Russian reformers Peter the Great and Peter Stolypin are especially close to shipbuilders. The first Russian emperor was the father of regular Russian shipbuilding, the creator of the fleet. He started to build our industry almost from scratch. Two centuries later, Stolypin had to face a situation where the country had largely lost its fleet. It is to him that the shipbuilders are grateful for their efforts in defending the national interests of Russia as a maritime power and the speedy restoration of the fleet.

Peter’s shipbuilding program at one time provided our country with an unprecedented technological breakthrough. It led to the creation of a domestic industry, the widespread dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge, and the emergence of marine engineering education. Finally, the status of Russia as an empire directly depended on access to the sea. Stolypin did everything in his power to protect the new shipbuilding programs and preserve the fleet for Russia.

Stolypin pointed out the need to build a fleet in the country, as powerful states do. Of course, these principles remain relevant, only now we call them import substitution. For us, shipbuilders, this is not just a buzzword. We must not forget that import substitution did not begin yesterday, but, in fact, 355 years ago with the first state order from Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich for the construction of the Oryol frigate. And inspired by the example of his father, the great Emperor Peter the Great elevated shipbuilding to the rank of a state national task. Stolypin, on the other hand, outlined organizational and technological measures to support shipbuilding, which helped to modernize industrial production in our country. Unfortunately, the First World War and the revolution prevented him from realizing his plans in full.

Neither during the time of Peter the Great, nor in subsequent years, the work of shipbuilders was easy and calm. But our predecessors passed all the tests with dignity, so I’m sure we can handle it too.

It has become a tradition to mark parallels on significant dates. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the United Shipbuilding Corporation. At the same time, it is symbolic that the emergence of our basic and oldest enterprises is connected with the tasks of the Petrine and Stolypin reforms. Peter founded the Admiralty and Solombala shipyards, and 110 years ago the Putilovskaya and Ust-Izhora shipyards appeared. Today we call them Severnaya Verf and Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard. I note that today, on the birthday of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, two modern passenger catamarans will be laid down at the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard, which will soon connect St. Petersburg and the museum complex in Kronstadt.

I would like to quote the words of Pyotr Arkadyevich, dear to the heart of shipbuilders: “The launch of each ship into the water is a national celebration, a national festival. This is the return to the sea of ​​part of the people’s forces accumulated on land, people’s energy”. With this in mind, today we are doing everything to enlarge the maritime power of our country.

Klepach: Any reform, given its dramatic nature, is an occasion for serious reflection. Moreover, we are now at a difficult fork in history. I would like to share a few thoughts about the lessons of Russian reforms and transformations. The deeper the reform, the greater the split in society. This was connected both with the reforms of Peter the Great, and with the reforms of his father, who began the deep transformation of Russia. This caused a split in faith, in Russian society, which continued, in fact, until the revolution. 

The transformations of Alexander II and Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin gave a certain “impulse” to society, but it is difficult, in my opinion, to call them reforms that ensured stability. The reforms of Alexander II started sustainable development, but they did not solve the land issue. The reform of Petr Arkadyevich made it possible to create a middle class. It was formed by free commoners, industrial class, and strong farmers. Moreover, if Peter’s reforms created a split between the elites, many of whom did not even speak Russian, then the reforms of Alexander the First, and Nicholas the First, and Alexander the Second, and Peter Stolypin were the return of the Russian elite to the unity of the people. But this did not happen in full, otherwise the revolution could have been avoided. 

This is a matter of trust between the people and the elite, trust in the first persons. When this confidence exists, Russia, as history shows, is able to endure any losses. When this trust is lost, the understanding of justice and faith is lost, society collapses, despite any military and economic successes. And they really were at the beginning of the 20th century. This can be seen both in the agrarian reform and in resettlement to the East where 3 million people moved. We have mastered, in fact, the Altai Territory. There was a breakthrough in railway construction, which had no examples in Soviet times and modern Russia. Today we are building more than 100 kilometers of railways a year instead of several thousand.

Nevertheless, this is a huge lesson: reforms that are not carried through to the end or have not ensured the unity of the elite and the people lay explosive material. This was evident from the unresolved land issue, which was on the agenda of the State Duma under Stolypin. The same issues of equity and income inequality in society still exist today. We need not only to find solutions on how to resist sanctions or stabilize the course, there must be a national development program for Russia. We have always relied on the principles that came from Europe. But now we need to rethink our identity and, perhaps, develop a new reform format that will allow us not to split society, but to ensure its unity and economic breakthrough. But the main thing is that this breakthrough should be based on trust, on the unity of the elite and the people, based on the principles of justice, and in this sense it would receive universal support. 

In this regard, we need to return to Siberia so that Russia could grow not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but with Siberia both in terms of population and in terms of the development of its territories. A weak Siberia, in the absence of communications and without the supply of goods to the East, hinders Russian integration into the dynamically developing Asian, Chinese economy. Considering that the world is undergoing a shift of economic and, to some extent, geopolitical centers to the East, we need our own shift to the East in Russia and a new rise of Siberia.

Kryukov: I represent Siberian economists who deal with the problems of spatial development. We believe that the ideas that were laid down by both Peter the Great and Pyotr Arkadievich Stolypin are still relevant today, but they are not fully understood. Their potential is not fully developed.

What is it about first of all? As already mentioned here, in the times of both Peter the Great and Pyotr Stolypin, shipbuilding was considered not in itself, but in conjunction with the development of the economy. In the same way, Peter the Great did a lot for the development of mining. Russia in the 18th and early 19th century had a unique mining legislation, which, unlike the mining legislation of other European countries, primarily Germany, combined the regulation of not only the development of minerals, but also the development of industry. This means it was a system-cluster approach. The development of sources, the development of territories and the formation of domestic industry were considered in conjunction.

The same is true about the land reform of Pyotr Stolypin. It was not only and not so much the development of the middle class (although, of course, the allocation of land to the landless peasantry was of tremendous importance for the formation of the middle class), but first of all it tried to solve the problems of the development of eastern territories. There are very interesting estimates related to the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. They proceed from the fact that it is necessary to develop roads and form a transport infrastructure where Russia has historical and geopolitical interests and where cargo flows will soon go. Unfortunately, now, when road construction projects are considered, cargo flows are often considered first of all, that is, they are treated as purely commercial projects, and not spatial ones.

This systematic approach, the foundations of which Peter the Great laid, and which was characteristic for Peter Arkadyevich, seems extremely important to me and my colleagues. The problem of interaction between the processes of development of mineral raw materials and natural resources of the East of the country in interconnection and interaction with the development of Russian industry is extremely relevant. It’s not just a localization issue. This is a problem of science, this is a problem of personnel, this is a problem of the standard of living. To be honest, a significant part of high-tech equipment both in Kuzbass and in the oil industry is still imported. Localization indicators today are of a generalized and averaged nature and do not give an idea of ​​where we are losing, where we have unsolved problems. This is essentially dissonant with what was being implemented in the time of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin. We must look for our own path, and this path consists, among other things, in the development of those ideas and those approaches that Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin proposed.

Solovyov: More than 100 years have passed since the death of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, 160 years since his birth. We are talking about only five years of his active state activity. It is very little, but at the same time it is very much. Why? There were many reformers in the history of Russia, but Stolypin’s reforms stand above the rest. Much is explained by the fact that this is happening on the eve of the revolution. The year 1917 condenses events. But I don’t think this is the only explanation. There is another circumstance, no less important. In my opinion, the Stolypin reforms are distinguished by the fact that the person was put at the forefront. First of all, a peasant.

In my opinion, the talk about systemic reforms is completely justified, because a person needs not only property. He needs both civil and political rights, and institutions of self-government, and judicial institutions. By and large, it is around this idea, around this concept, that Stolypin built the entire system of  reforms, which was outlined in 1906 and in March 1907, when He spoke before the second State Duma. It was very difficult for that time to see a civilian in a peasant. It seems to me that Stolypin and his closest collaborators succeeded, and it gave a result. 

When people talk about reforms, they always mean their delayed results. This result will not be in five years, but in ten or forty. Stolypin did not have the twenty years of peace he wanted for his work. It turned out that Russia did not have them either. But the results of Stolypin’s reforms could be seen very soon, during the life of the reformer. To a large extent, because processes were launched that cannot be explained only by market conditions: the growth of savings books, the growth of the cooperative movement. Millions of people were involved in the economic processes and became accomplices in the reform process. This just ensured that for a very short period of time the government became a trendsetter in legal trends. It set the agenda, and it secured the way out of the first Russian revolution. But, unfortunately, it did not last long.

Mogilevsky: Twenty years ago, large-scale work began on a systematic, consistent study of the Stolypin reforms. This process gave a lot to our science. What does the experience of both the Petrine and Stolypin reforms reveal? Not only the reforms themselves, but also the state policy as a whole has sustainable consequences when carried out in the interests of the majority of the population, ordinary people. It is this criterion that determines, in my opinion, the measure of success of Stolypin’s reforms.

Stolypin headed the Ministry of the Interior, and soon the government in the wake of the so-called first Russian revolution, when peasant uprisings took place throughout the country, and landowners’ estates were burned. At that time, a phenomenon arose that was called the “frightened landowner.” The landowners became frightened and turned to the state for protection, and this created the conditions for carrying out the Stolypin reforms in the interests of the majority of the population. This, of course, required that the landowners gave up some economic prerogatives, primarily the local authorities. The successes of the Stolypin reforms in the first years are due to the fact that the landlords did not particularly interfere. But after the revolution was suppressed, the “frightened landowner” grew bolder, and their corporation of about 30 thousand people did everything to regain the influence that they had had before, and had succeeded in something. It must be understood that Stolypin, with all his influence, was the chairman of the government of His Majesty Nicholas II, and the tsar listened to landlords. Stolypin’s influence, starting in 1909, began to decline and by the time of his death had fallen to zero. This is a very important lesson, I think. Only the unity of the country can ensure the sustainable consequences of reforms. The leadership of the country in the person of the tsar could not cope with unity.

And the second consideration. The development of Siberia was, in my opinion, the most successful direction of Stolypin’s reforms, which goes far beyond the solution of the agrarian issue, it had an independent geopolitical significance. I did a bit of research on this issue at one time, and, of course, there are many myths. Many people still think that the peasants were seized, put into the «Stolypin» car and taken to Siberia, where they were thrown out into the open field, where they died. In fact, of course, this is not the case. It was a massive and exclusively voluntary resettlement movement, which the government even restrained. At the peak of the migration movement, up to 700 thousand people a year moved beyond the Urals. Moreover, according to experts, the capacity of the resettlement structure (railways, resettlement centers, land management commissions) was designed for 100,000 thousand people a year. Some returned, but the majority remained and founded tens of thousands of settlements in Siberia, laying the foundations for the development of the macroregion for decades to come.

When I arrived in Altai, in the city of Slavgorod, which arose under Stolypin, I met with the head of the district. He says: “I myself am a descendant of immigrants.” I said: “As a historian I can explain the reasons for this phenomenon, state motives, but I cannot fully understand the motivation of a person, a peasant. The world of the peasant is rather narrow. A hundred years in one place, one village, its own river, its own forest, cemetery, after all, its own. What motivated people, do you think?” He answered: “My grandmother told me that she came with her family as a little girl and she said “We finally ate here.” See, that’s the whole motive. The mere fact that it was possible to get land first for use, then for ownership, to mow grass and graze livestock without fear of being sanctioned by the landowner. 

That was enough for people to massively believe in the government, and the government was able to meet their expectations . Therefore, it seems to me that the Stolypin reforms contain many interesting and useful historical lessons, and it is very important to refer to them.

Nekipelov: I am not an expert on Stolypin’s reforms, but the question of reforms as a whole is of key importance for our country. It has been on the agenda for the past thirty years. Many of the questions concerning the conditions for the success of reforms, which colleagues spoke about today, are also projected onto modern history reforms in the early 1990s. On the one hand, there was an understanding in the country that reforms were necessary, and in this sense, Russia was ready for reforms. But it so happened that the political forces and the scientists who supported them chose only one way to implement reforms, and the discussion was fruitless. There was a dramatic split in economics, with two groups speaking different languages. 

After the 1998 Russia’s default, the situation began to change, including in the economic community. I will not say that the consequences of that split have been completely overcome, but the situation has improved. Representatives of different directions began to listen to what their opponents say, and on some issues there was a convergence of positions. Recall the early 1990s when we were faced with the task of transitioning from a planned centralized economy to a market one. It was like getting a live fish in the boiled soup. Then the state was demonized as a subject of economic activity. The thesis that the best industrial policy is “no industrial policy” prevailed. 

Moreover, under the slogan of the need for a transition to a market economy, the public sector was left to its own on special conditions, and this had dire consequences, because there is nothing worse for a market economy than having a large property that is not managed. This circumstance deformed our economic system for many years, because the most profitable activity in the country was the pilfering of assets that were out of control. This contributed to the development of non-payments, a situation unprecedented in world economic history. 

Well, for example, the task was to balance the budget. But how do you balance the budget? Cut costs. In any textbook of macroeconomics, you can read that spending cuts cannot lead to an increase in the budget deficit. This is correct for a normal market economy in which there is no problem of non-payments. But in our situation, the exact opposite happened: the reduction in spending led to an increase in non-payments, to an even greater reduction in the flow of revenues to the state budget and to an increase in the budget deficit. This, in fact, ultimately led to the default of 1998. 

Fortunately, the situation in terms of attitudes towards state property has improved. The control system has been adjusted. One can argue about whether it is ideal or not, but at least state property has ceased to be ownerless, and the economy quickly moved into a more or less normal mode of functioning. Gradually, there was also a rejection of the idea of ​​the harmfulness of industrial policy for our state. Today we are witnessing the implementation of major national projects. But at the same time, theoretical battles were going on in other directions. For a long period, a significant part of economists, in particular from the Academy of Sciences, actively opposed the policy of increasing foreign exchange reserves. 

The need to use these resources was stressed. Specific non-inflationary methods were proposed for solving this problem for the modernization of the Russian economy. At the same time, many noted that we hurried with the liberalization of the currency regime, a situation has developed when for more than 15 years (and this continues to the present moment) we had a large surplus on current balance of payments items from year to year, which means that we are actually interest-free lending to the rest of the world, and the size of this lending has long exceeded a trillion dollars. It was difficult to foresee that Western countries would freeze the assets of the Central Bank, but even if this did not happen, this policy was still extremely strange.

The most strange thing is that there was no real discussion on this issue. In the same way, there was little or no discussion among groups of scholars about the extent to which capital items of the balance of payments should be regulated, or whether they should be regulated at all. Interestingly, we make some decisions solely under the pressure of external circumstances. Therefore, today we use the following argument: “It’s good that sanctions were announced, our agriculture has revived.” By analogy, we can say: “It’s good that sanctions were announced in the financial sector, the West solved the problem of imposing restrictions on capital items in the balance of payments for us.”

It is fundamentally important that there be an informal freedom to express positions on certain issues, it is important that there be a fruitful discussion, that the whole range of existing opinions and proposed solutions be clear. The matter of the authorities is to choose, and the voter, accordingly, to make decisions about the extent to which the authorities have decided and are in the interests of the country. I think this, to some extent, is also in tune with what colleagues were talking about when they mentioned the importance of making reforms in line with the interests of the people.

Potential of the Russian Economy Growth

In 2022, the Russian economy had to urgently adapt to a new geopolitical reality and a change in the architecture of international relations. RF managed to maintain an acceptable economic situation under unprecedented sanctions and political pressure. At the same time, some sectors of the economy have been growing since the beginning of the year. Participants of the Abalkin Readings scientific forum discussed how not only to reduce losses, but also to give impetus to the growth of the Russian economy.

Based on the materials of the scientific forum «Abalkin Readings», September 14, 2022

Alexander Alexandrovich Shirov,
Member of the Board of the VEO of Russia, Director of the Institute for Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics, professor

I am glad that we are discussing our latest report within the Free Economic Society. This is the work of a large number of employees of the Institute, in which Andrey Nikolaevich Klepach took part as the head of the VEB Institute, as well as our colleagues from the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-term Forecasting.

We are in a situation now where there are forks in economic policy. It is clear that economic policy is not a science, and here we always have the possibility of certain changes, redirection of resources to solve certain problems. In the conditions in which our economy now finds itself, this is not an opportunity, but a necessity. The Russian economy has four key areas in which it can develop.

The first is the external economic environment. It is clear that we can build the role of the Russian economy in the world economy in different ways. We are talking about exports, imports, financing of foreign economic activity, reserves (because we understand that the currencies of reserve countries have become toxic for us, and something needs to be done about this).

Technologies and the situation in the real sector are of the same importance. Now these two areas are inseparable from each other, because, of course, we have fundamental, applied science, we have engineering, but one way or another, the transformation of scientific and technological policy will determine the results of the Russian economy structure. At the same time, there are structural shifts not only in the production system, but above all (this is very important) in incomes and prices, because this means that all the flows of financial resources, incomes of the economy will be significantly changed. And, of course, stimulation of investment activity is indespensable, without which these structural changes and the implementation of scientific and technological policy become impossible.

Another area is social policy. There is nothing to say here, since we can judge the effectiveness of any economic policy by the change in the quality and standard of living of the population. It is impossible to imagine a successful economic policy when our level of quality of life is low.

And finally, spatial development. Russia is a huge country with great differentiation in basic development indicators, and it is clear that if the restrictions on spatial development are not lifted, then all efforts in other areas may be significantly insufficient.

Monetary and budgetary policy in the areas listed above must be structured in such a way that Russia passes key forks in economic policy to achieve a definite result in the end. This means that these goals set the requirements for monetary and budgetary policy, and so on. Our view is that we have all the tools of both budgetary policy and monetary policy in order to solve development goals, and the question is how to configure them. 

Of course, the period after the events of late February posed the question how should the government act? It is clear that there was a period of «putting out fires», which lasted approximately until the beginning of summer, and then the question arose about how to choose the direction of economic policy for the future. We need economic strategy even under these unstable conditions. It’s impossible to go without this. And we must pay tribute to the government because they went in this direction despite all limitations. Strategic sessions that were held by the government throughout the summer and early autumn dedicated to various areas of economic development including economic development strategies, are, in my opinion, moving in the right direction. For the first time in many years they said that this should be done. And one way or another, we saw some signs of movement in this direction.

The problem is when we talk about how the mechanisms of economic management are arranged, then we have three key levels. The first is macroeconomic, and it is clear that the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance work at this level which determines the parameters of monetary and budgetary policy. The second is the project level, which is handled by the federal executive authorities. Everyone likes him very much. Everyone loves to work in project logic. Moreover, a significant part of the government members are people who came from business or were somehow connected with the implementation of such projects, and, in fact, everything is built there quite well. We have one problem: how to connect this project level with the level of decisions in the field of macroeconomic regular policy? And here, of course, the main thing is the final economic effect. It can be considered in different ways, depending on what our economic policy priorities are. It is possible to calculate economic effects through indicators like GDP, their redistribution is also important. It can be considered through social effects, when we must understand how this all affects the key goals of economic development.

Understanding how the entire set of these tools, these projects affect the overall development of the economy, requires an understanding of the level of intersectoral interactions, interactions between the largest sectors of the economy. In order to build this work, we need an understanding of the potential for economic growth. Actually, this is why we believe that this first step that we have taken should be the basis, on which to take the next step, that is, to analyze which economic policy allows us to realize this potential to the greatest extent. This is what all the work is about.

When it comes to potential, we pay attention first of all to the key fundamental limitations of economic development, and the main one for us, of course, is the limitation associated with human potential i.e. population size, labor force, and so on. What do we have here?

First. There is a lot of talk about the fact that in the field of demography we are witnessing some kind of catastrophe, but not in the sense that things are very bad, but in the sense that this is simply an insurmountable obstacle to the development of the Russian economy. I would be quite careful in this regard. Of course, there is a challenge in terms of demographic development, and it is associated with the aging population, the high mortality rate, and the fact that everything has deteriorated very much as a result of the pandemic crisis. But if we look at the key indicators of the limitations of strictly speaking economic development, population size is something that prudent economic policy is capable of overcoming.

As for the aging of the population: the burden on working citizens from the unemployed in the most dramatic scenarios of population change (a drop to 135 or even 130 million people) still does not exceed the levels that the Russian economy already saw in the early 2000s. 

Second. These levels are still significantly lower than what we are now seeing in the economies of developing countries, including those of Eastern Europe.

And finally, the most important thing is that if we remember the factor of labor productivity growth, then we will understand that the current level of pressure on the employed population will not actually grow. This means that there is pressure, of course, but mainly it comes in the sense that we have to restructure social policy. We will have less loading of the economy by young citizens and more by the elderly. Budget policy should take this into account, including from the point of view of the development of social infrastructure.

The main saving reserve for the population in our country is, of course, the reduction in mortality. Are there any reserves? Huge. If we look at the difference in life expectancy between Moscow and Russia on average for the main causes of death, we see that the difference is 1.8 years due to external death causes. This means that it is necessary to develop the road network in the country, it is necessary to fight against illegal alcohol and everything that is connected with external causes.

The second reason is heart disease. It is clear that the work that has been done in recent years, including in the capital, has led to a significant improvement in results here. The rest of Russia is still lagging behind. These areas of increasing life expectancy by reducing mortality are very easy to fit into budget policy, showing what needs to be developed in the regions in order to reduce mortality.

As for other factors in maintaining the population, these are primarily the birth rate, and secondarily, migration. Fertility, of course, requires sustainable economic growth. In addition, this factor does not mean a strong contribution to maintaining the population. As for migration, the exhaustion of the possibility of involving new countries in migration to our country, we believe that this factor can be considered neutral in the medium and long term. Therefore, once again: from the point of view of demographics, economic growth is not strongly limited. But everything that we understand about the development of human capital, the development of education, healthcare, needs to be done. There are a lot of difficult directions here, but if the policy is built correctly, we can overcome the restrictions.

Now, let’s talk about the efficiency of our economy. Estimates of the potential for change in efficiency indicate that, in a sense, the economic dynamics in our country have reached the upper limit. Our economy is significantly behind the leading developed countries in terms of both material intensity and productivity of the use of primary resources, that is, some amount of additional income can be obtained by reducing the use of primary resources. 

This reflects the quality of the technologies used. If we approach the assessment from this point of view, then in the near medium term, it is possible to obtain dynamics of up to 5% in some years. But it will require an extremely high level of investment activity. And this is a limitation, because both we at the institute and our colleagues have repeatedly shown that there is an exchange between the accumulation of fixed capital and household consumption. Resources flow from one area to another, as they are limited in the economy, and even more so now, in the current conditions. Restrictions on increasing investment are now also associated with technological limitations.

Assessing the current state of production potential, it is widely believed that in our economy a significant part of the capacities is still represented by Soviet factories, equipment, and so on. But in fact, the share of the old Soviet capital is already insignificant. This means that most of what we now have is the capacity introduced after 2000. A significant part was introduced after 2010. These are modern powers. And if so, these capacities, of course, can be used both in terms of import substitution and in terms of their loading to increase the satisfaction of growing demand.

The largest share of these modern capacities belongs to areas whith the highest turnover of capital. This is the food industry, the production of building materials, even engineering. In fact, one can rely on these capacities, because the level of capacity use is low. Therefore, the old discussion about whether we have the potential to increase production at current capacities does not make sense, because such potential exists. The old capacities are almost gone. This is where you need to start.

It is clear that the satisfaction of demand in our economy, where 50% of GDP is generated by household consumption, is determined to a large extent by the capacity of the consumer market and the ability of the population to consume the most complex products. We know that, for example, the backlog in both housing and durable goods, such as cars, is very high. In order to get closer to those indicators that at least countries comparable to us in terms of economic development have, we can increase demand in these sectors by about 4-5% or even more.

But what prevents this? The primitive structure of household consumption in our country. The vast majority of the expenses of half of Russian households are for food and mandatory payments. This is due to both the prevailing price structure and the underlying low level of income. Accordingly, changes in this area, of course, should be an element of the strategy.

In general, one of the forks in economic policy (not economic development, but economic policy) is how to increase incomes. The first version is that we must act through investments, that is, first we increase investments, then production increases, then incomes increase, and in the end we get a result. The second version is that we can act through the incomes of the population. It is impossible to follow any of the paths 100%. But the second direction, or growth through an increase in the income of the population, in my opinion, should not be denied either, because an analysis of production capacities and what we see in the structure of consumption just shows that consumption needs to be corrected in some way.

The demand for household appliances, cars, goods that determine the quality of life, fell during the crisis, under the influence of restrictions that have developed in our economy. The demand for food remained unchanged. This means that the structure of inefficient consumption of the population has further aggravated. That is, this trap which means that we cannot even ensure the loading of capacities oriented to consumer demand must be somehow overcome.

We talked a lot at the Moscow Academic Economic Forum about the costs of research and development. The problem is not only that, as a result of the sanctions, we have some kind of limitation on financial resources, but that they cut Russia off from the majority, more than 75% of the results in research and development. Approximately half of the research and development costs that our country has are the costs of imported research and development results. Accordingly, either we will replace this import from unfriendly countries with our own costs, our own solutions in the field of research and development, or results from friendly countries, or the technological gap that we already have will increase. Therefore, from a long-term perspective, spending on research and development is becoming a key growth driver. And here the main question is: what is the science and technology policy? How are we trying to fill this gap and how will we implement new research? How will it be institutionalized? And here the question arises: what are the key areas? These are all questions for the new science and technology policy.

And, finally, we see that in some years the economy can grow by about 5%. If we take into account the limitations of the economy associated with both sanctions pressure and the impossibility of an endless increase in investment in fixed assets, then this forecast is 3% or slightly more. It is important that a significant contribution to this growth, especially in the longer term after 2030, is prognosed by a qualitative component, which consists in increasing production efficiency, reducing the use of primary resources, reducing material intensity, energy intensity, and so on. Approximately 40% of this growth may be done by the qualitative component. And it directly depends on technological shifts. We are talking about agriculture, composite materials, public transport, and digitalization. Everything that is talked about so much can be quantified. The question is to understand the limit of the potential of technology change and their impact on economic dynamics.

Some conclusions. The main thing is that before the events that took place this year, we had opportunities for growth, albeit not high, which, on average, is determined by slightly higher growth rates of the world economy. Of course, growth potential is a thing that changes over time. Under the influence of the sanctions that have hit us, short-term and medium-term economic growth has declined. But ultimately, the medium- and long-term potential for economic growth that we have will be determined by the results of the implementation of the strategy that the government is currently developing. We see certain problems both with the formation of a medium-term forecast and with the formation of a draft law on the federal budget. In a sense, this is the result of these discussions. But one way or another, in the near future we will finally be able to analyze how economic policy is changing, to what extent it corresponds to the realization of the potential that our economy has.

Профессор Ван Вэнь: как стимулировать рост товарооборота России и Китая

Товарооборот России и Китая в 2021 году вырос на 35,8%, достигнув рекордной отметки 146,88 миллиарда долларов. За 10 месяцев 2022 года товарооборот России и КНР вырос на 33% и составил 153,9 миллиарда долларов.

«Для дальнейшего роста этого показателя необходимо стимулировать торговлю, – рассказал профессор Китайского народного университета Ван Вэнь в аналитической программе ВЭО России «Дом Э». – В 2023 году Китай станет крупнейшим потребительским рынком в мире, ежегодно импортируя товаров на сумму в 2,5 триллиона долларов США. Проблема в том, что только 3% импорта приходится на Россию. К примеру, Россия страна не является крупнейшим экспортером нефти и газа в Китай. Верно? Мы способны исправить эту ситуацию».

Еще одно необходимое условие для роста товарооборота, по словам профессора, «прозрачные, дружелюбные условия» для инвестиций.

Китай стал крупнейшим в мире иностранным инвестором с ежегодными объемом инвестиций в экономику других государств в размере более 150 миллиардов долларов США. Лишь 1% от этого объема приходится на инвестиции в Россию.

«Если Россия откроет для Китая свой рынок в больших объемах, улучшит бизнес-климат, она сможет привлечь намного больше инвестиций из Китая», – полагает профессор.

По словам ученого, большое значение имеет и «расширение гуманитарного взаимодействия, общения на уровне личных контактов граждан двух стран, потому что в постковидную эру и Россия, и Китай должны укреплять свое взаимопонимание, сотрудничество в области вооружения, энергетики, культуры, технологий и науки».

Западные эксперты клуба «Валдай» рассказали об итогах форума в ВЭО России

В рабочей встрече в штаб-квартире Вольного экономического общества России и Международного Союза экономистов приняли участие директор Исследовательской группы геополитической экономии Университета Манитобы профессор Алан Фриман и Радика Десаи, директор Исследовательской группы геополитической экономии того же университета из Канады. Оба экономиста – активные члены ВЭО России и МСЭ.

Ученые поделились с российскими коллегами  о своих впечатлениях об итогах XIX заседания Международного дискуссионного клуба «Валдай» на тему: «Мир после гегемонии: справедливость и безопасность для всех».

С российской стороны во встрече приняли участие президент ВЭО России и МСЭ член-корреспондент РАН Сергей Бодрунов, заведующий лабораторией сравнительного исследования социально-экономических систем экономического факультета МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова профессор Андрей Колганов; директор Центра современных марксистских исследований философского факультета МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова, вице-президент ВЭО России, член Международного Комитета ВЭО России профессор Александр Бузгалин.

Экономисты рассмотрели вопросы российско-канадского сотрудничества в научной сфере, детализировали планы совместной экспертной деятельности, в том числе выход совместных научных публикаций в российских и зарубежных издательствах.

Профессора Фриман и Десаи выступили с предложением расширять информирование экономической общественности Канады и других стран об исследованиях российских ученых, включая теорию ноономики, автором которой является член-корреспондент РАН Сергей Бодрунов.

Российские и китайские экономисты учредили экспертно-деловой совет

В Москве российские и китайские экономисты учредили Экспертно-деловой Совет Международного Союза экономистов и Вольного экономического общества России по вопросам развития российско-китайского сотрудничества. Меморандум подписали на международной конференции «Российско-китайские отношения в контексте современных вызовов социально-экономического развития».

Единственная константа в мире – российско-китайская дружба

Основные цели и задачи Экспертно-делового Совета – реализация совместных программ и проектов, разработка предложений и рекомендаций, способствующих укреплению российско-китайского сотрудничества в научно-технологической и экономической сферах.

Меморандум об учреждении Экспертно-делового Совета подписали исполнительный декан Института финансовых исследований «Чунъян» Китайского народного университета, член Международного Комитета ВЭО России, профессор Ван Вэнь и вице-президент ВЭО России, министр по интеграции и макроэкономике Евразийской экономической комиссии, академик РАН, член Координационного Совета Международного Союза экономистов Сергей Глазьев.